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14 February
  • Revenge of Singles - 2024
  • Okundu : 2558

Hail Knights,

You can get benefit from the Revenge of the Singles event by killing the 'Wrath of Grand Mage' that appears every 9 hours in Ronarkland randomly.

When you kill 'Wrath of Grand Mage', 'Tear of Grand Mage' will appear in Ronarkland randomly.

When you kill 'Tear of Grand Mage', 'Mourn of Grand Mage' will appear in the middle of the Ronark Land map.

When Wrath, Tear, Mourn of Grand Mage got killed, the players around them will receive Tear Gemstone.

EXP Blessings and ATK +5% will be given to the nation of the player who kills Wrath of Grand Mage, Tear of Grand Mage, and Mourn of Grand Mage.

Players who last hit the Wrath of Grand Mage and Tear of Grand Mage will take following rewards.

1x Old Draki Supply Box
Stellar Tattoo 7 Days

Players who last hit the Mourn of Grand Mage will take following rewards.

1x Superior Draki Supply Box
Lunar Tattoo 7 Days

*Players don't lose EXP from getting killed by Wrath, Tear, Mourn of Grand Mage monster.

*Gemstone items cannot be traded/sold and will be removed after event.

Players can trade the 'Tear Gemstone' items with [National Enchanter] to the get the following buffs that last for 30 minutes. 1 Tear Gemstone is used for each reinforcement.

By following the steps below, you can get any of Defense, HP or EXP buff.

*Buffs cannot be stacked and do not disappear when change zones.

You can get the following gift from NPC [Lunar Lady] Magpie (Moradon 798, 549) by delivering three of the Tear Gemstone items you collect.
Item Name Note
5x Armor Enchant Scroll Cannot be traded/stored/sold
5x Weapon Enchant Scroll Cannot be traded/stored/sold
3x Magpie Transformation Scroll Cannot be traded/sold
Magic Bag 7 Days Cannot be traded/sold
Blue Alencia Wings 3 Days Cannot be traded/stored/sold
VIP Vault Key 7 Days Cannot be traded/stored/sold
Rabbit Pet Transformation Scroll Cannot be traded/sold
EXP Premium 1 Day Cannot be traded/stored/sold
Lunar Tattoo 30 Days Cannot be traded/sold

*Based on the value, some items have lower drop chances compared to others.

Note: If you win Alencia Wings from NPC [Lunar Lady] Magpie for Tear Gemstone, you will see a screen like the one below. You can choose which attribute you want the Alencia Wings item to choose.

Have Fun!

NTT Game | Knight Online Team