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31 July
  • [Patch Notes] 31 July 2024
  • Count : 1976

Server maintenance, which was planned to be carried out on August 15, has been moved to August 12, 2024.

Hail Knights,
You can find the details regarding the server maintenance on July 31, 2024 below.

* Daily Login Event has started! (4 Weeks)
* Ultima's Dungeon Event has started! (4 Weeks)

* The sale of Special Defense Scroll items that you can purchase from NPC [Event Manager] Aset has started! These items, which you can buy for 30,000,000 Noah, provide a 5 defense increase against the selected weapon type.

* The sale of Minerva items that you can purchase from NPC [Event Manager] Aset for 50,000,000 Noah has started!

* The sale of Prayer of Priest items that you can purchase from NPC [Event Manager] Aset for 30,000,000 Noah has started! When the item is purchased from Aset, it provides a +55% attack. (Valid for Priest class only).

20th Anniversary Events Has Begun!

Moradon got decorated to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Knight Online!

* Veteran Knight Achievements Event has started!
- Titles as old as your account! To activate the titles, go to the NPC [VIP Manager] Julianne and select the 'Title Period' option.
Based on the creation date of your account, you can have the following titles:

1 Year Old 5 Years Old
Newbie Expert
Health: 3
Armor: 20
Health: 4

* 30% EXP Event has started! (4 Weeks)

* Double NP Event has started! (4 Weeks)
- For 4 weeks, you will gain double NP for each opponent player you kill in Ronark Land!

* Ultima has escaped from his Dungeon! (4 Weeks)

- Ultima will appear on the Eslant map every 8 hours.
- You can deal 20 damage to Ultima with physical attacks. You cannot deal damage with skills.
- When Ultima is killed, it will reward nearby players with Exp and 20 Polluted Holy Water items.
- The player who lands the final blow on Ultima will receive a 30-Day [Event Emblem] Voucher item!

* Blessing of the Sun God Event has started! (4 Weeks)
- During the event period, you can obtain the Solar Light item by killing monsters at or above your level or players of the enemy race.
- When used actively, Solar Light increases your NP gains by +4 for 30 minutes.
- The NP gain boost buff will be removed if your character dies or if you switch to another map.
- You can turn in 10 Solar Light items to NPC [VIP Manager] Juliane once per day to receive one of the following random items.
Item Name Amount Remarks
20th Anniversary Emblem
(1 day)
1 Applied immediately after exchange.
Weapon Enchant Scroll 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored.
Armor Enchant Scroll 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored.
Magic Bag (7 days) 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored. Applied immediately after exchange.
Solar Ring 1 Cannot be traded/sold.
Rabbit Pet Transformation Scroll 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored.
Event Emblem (15 Days) 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored.
Solar Tattoo (7 days) 1 Cannot be traded/sold/stored. Applied immediately after exchange.

The stats of the 'Solar Ring' item that you can obtain from the event:
Stats Defense HP Bonus Resistance to Flame Resistance to Curse
Solar Ring 10 50 20 20

* The Solar Light item will be deleted when the event ends.

* 20th Anniversary Emblem! (4 Weeks)
- The 'I Love Knight Online' and 'I Will Continue Playing Knight Online' emblems have been changed to give the 'Knight Online 20th Anniversary Emblem' for 4 weeks.

20th Anniversary Emblem Stats:

* The chance of obtaining the Bulture Horn item has been increased.
* The visual hit effects not appearing properly for Jamadar type weapons on male characters of El Morad and Karus has been fixed.
* Fire Blast, Thunder Blast, Glacier Blast Scrolls' drops have been removed.
* New spawn points with two Kecoon / Kecoon Warrior / Kecoon Captain and Keilan monsters on each spot have been added to the Moradon map.
- You can check the newly added spawn points on the map by pressing the M key.
* Minimap marks for completed quests not disappearing after completing the quests has been fixed.
* The issue where other UI windows would not become active when using the Menicia list has been fixed.
* The issue where the keyboard would not work after exiting the price list search window has been fixed.
* The visuals of some old accessories have been updated:

* The Coin Event has ended.
* The Knight Royale Event has ended.
* The 1+1 Level Up Event has ended.
* The Twisted Moradon Escapee Event has ended.
* The sale event of Battlefield Hero's Wing and Lunar Tattoo via NPC Aset has ended.

Have fun,
NTTGame | Knight Online Team