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14 February
  • Puzzle Event Has Started!
  • Count : 2331

Puzzle Event

The new Knight Online Puzzle event is here!

Event Period: 02.14.2024 - 03.13.2024

After logging in to the game, you can reach the puzzle event with the event button in the lower left corner, collect the puzzle pieces and receive your gifts by fulfilling the conditions.

To reach the puzzle window;

1- The section showing the puzzle pieces you have collected.
2- The number of puzzles you have completed.
3- The section where you can buy puzzle pieces with 1,000,000 Noah. If 4 pieces were obtained within a day, it won't be used.
4- Chance card section where you can buy any puzzle piece you want with 2,000,000 Noah.
5- The rewards you can get in turn for each puzzle you complete.

To collect puzzle pieces, you must complete the following tasks.

1- Complete the Chaos event.
2- Complete the Border Defense War or Juraid Mountain event.
3- Complete the Forgotten Temple event.
4- Get 100 NP by killing enemies.

If you get puzzle piece from one of BDW or JR you can't get piece from the other event.
Exp: If you get puzzle piece from BDW you can't get piece from JR event.

Have fun!
NTTGame | Knight Online Team