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14 February
  • Knight Online FaceScan
  • Count : 15063

Hail Knights!
Are you ready to immerse yourself in the game even more by bringing your own face to the game?
The time has come in which you will now be able to do so with ease! This guide will get you started so you can get your real self into the game!
It's a feature that allows all players to upload their faces to his/her Knight online characters using the mobile application called “GameFace”.

1. Head over to the iOS or Android store.

2. Search for the application GameFace by UGo3D
3. Download and Install!


Upon starting the application, you will be able to see a default character and face already established in the app.

Make sure to click on the Menu button.
Once there, click on the Red “Sign In” button.

You will be able to Log in with Facebook, Google Account or registering using an email.

Registering with an Email will require a PIN code verification.
Pin code will be sent directly to your email address.

Once ready you will be able to click on the “Share” button next to the “Menu

You will then be able to select “Knight Online” from the game list.

You will then see a Warning message notifying you that we only support our own characters and not any purchases made within GameFace.

You will then have to follow these steps to enter the world of Knight Online!

Once you click “Next” you will have to select the character race you're using.

Once selected you will be able to take the desired picture.

Once you're happy with your image you will be able to modify it by clicking on the button shown below.

You will be able to modify the image at will making your face more unique to the occasion!
You will be able to modify Face shape, Add Paint and even Add Tattoos!

Once finished modifying it, you will be able to confirm your masterpiece for the Adonis Continent!

You've come this far! Time to fire up Knight Online! Launch KO with your account!
Below you can ReMatch your account or Send the creation if you have already synced it.

If not, you will now be able to create the Sync request only once to start putting your creations into the Adonis Continent!

Once you request Verification you will see the following timer start running.

You will have 10 minutes to type the account codes to synchronize your account.
Type your Shared Key and Random key on the boxes shown below.
[Please note: hyphens will need to be added as well]

Head over to the Makeup Artist “Ulqu/Kelly
Click on the FaceScan button.

You will then see the In-game FaceScan Menu, Click on Verify
Make sure to type the codes as they show in the GameFace app.

Once you are verified you will be able to do Face Changes any time you want without verifying!
Just make sure to have the FaceScan voucher found in our PUS!

Please note that we are not liable for any infringement of the image rights of others and any images used that go against our Rules of Conduct will be sanctionable, so have some etiquette!

You will be able to have a Preview on how the new face will look on the game.
Once you click Apply and Confirm the notice you will be ready to sport your new face!

Usage Duration: 30 days

Make sure to share your creations with us on Discord! Happy Hunting!

NTT Game